Sunday, June 16, 2024

Latte Love coffee card

Ever get a stamp set (or other craft item, like some pretty fabric for example) and get all anxious about using it? That was this “coffee” based set for me. So I brought it on vacation. And yes I did make this card but I realized that I couldn’t use any of the wonderful dies since I hadn’t brought the right colors of cardstock! (Oh well, I can revisit that when we get back LOL. )

Anyhow so I needed to use mainly the DSP and stamp set for this card. No problem - Pinterest always provides  plenty of inspiration! And since I love fun fold cards, I decided to create a triangle flap card that has a smaller notecard attached. 

I decided to fussy cut from the printed DSP the coffee cups with the artistic milk foam…I love when a barista has some fun doing that💕 I chose two different DSP prints for the triangular pieces. 

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Hershey Nugget Purse Treat holder

 Here I go again, another little purse treat holder! Love this little one and it holds 2 Hershey Nugget chocolates!

This little gem measures 2” across and 1.5” wide and tall (minus the handle of course). Isn’t it adorable? I used the (retired) Tag Topper Punch since it made the pretty scallop AND the hole for the brad closure all at once. Here are the measurements of each part:

DSP 2” x 6”  (If your paper has a direction  to it,  be careful to punch so that your  image  is in the correct orientation to be the flap.)

Cardstock: 2”x1.5” (optional but I like the solid cardstock so that it emphasizes the print “flap”

Cardstock: 1.25x5” (this is the “wrap” for the Hershey Nuggets)

Cardstock: 1/4” x 7” (this is the handle)

Mini brad (or other closure mechanism)

Awl (to poke a hole for the brad)

I scored the DSP 2x6” DSP at 1.5”, 3”, 4.5” and 4.75”. Then I used the Tag Topper Punch on the 1.25” segment…which also took off and extra 1/4”. This left a 2x5.75” panel

I folded all the score lines then added the 2x1.5” cardstock to the front panel of the same dimensions.

Using my awl, I poked a hole through the purse “front”. To figure out where to make the hole, fold up the score lines to form the purse shape and see where the mini brad needs to be to latch the purse flap shut. Insert a mini brad in the hole and secure it.

I wrapped two Nuggets with the 1.25x5” cardstock and adhered it to the inside bottom of the purse

The handle got added into the 1/4” space. 

And that’s it…you’ve just created an adorable little chocolate purse! Thanks for stopping in…have a wonderful day!

Friday, June 7, 2024

Mountain View Fun Fold - Dainty Delight Birthday Card

I love making special fun folds for special birthdays and this one is no exception. I found a wonderful tutorial on Pinterest by France Martin (“Mountain View Fun Fold” dated Jan 9, 2023). Her examples didn’t include the paper I was using though and I changed it up a little inside as well.

Inside, I added some panels of embossed card stock and since I was traveling when I finished off the card, I was missing a stamp for “and”, so I had to draw that in using a blending pen and ink spot. Not happy with the way that turned out but, this is a handmade card after all and no one can dispute that! LOL Here’s the inside:

Please check out France Martin’s blog at (search for “Mountain View Fun Fold”) to get the directions making this fun fold. It’s easier than it looks!

Thanks for stopping by…have a creative day!

Latte Love coffee card

Ever get a stamp set (or other craft item, like some pretty fabric for example) and get all anxious about using it? That was this “coffee” b...